
Migraine Aura Image: What is this?

Have you ever heard of this terms?


Well, the reason why I choose this title to discuss is due to my mom was attacked by this type of migraine last week. 
The worse part was my mom still had blurry vision for about 1 week plus already.

Well.. please be cautions!
According to the real case happened to my mom last week, there is no signal that this thing will occur.
Especially when you are driving, suddenly a WEIRD WAVE OBJECTS will appear on your sight and suddenly it will cover up all over your vision. In case you are driving, you should immediately stop at the roadside and relax. 
In 15 minutes, the WEIRD WAVE OBJECTS will disappeared and after that the unbearable MIGRAINE HEADACHE will attacked. It is right after the AURA IMAGE had disappeared.
You will be sweating like you are having bath... and it is better for you to call someone to pick you up.

Scary isn't it?

Some write up that I've got from MayoClinic.com

A migraine is caused by changes in your nervous system. Migraines may progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack and postdrome. Not everyone experiences all the stages.

Many people with migraines experience the prodrome phase — subtle changes one or two days preceding the attack. This may include constipation, depression, diarrhea, drowsiness, food cravings, or hyperactivity and irritability. Alternatively, you might not notice any symptoms.

Some people with migraines experience a more distinct migraine warning sign in a second phase, called the migraine aura.

Auras are usually visual but can also be sensory, motor or verbal disturbances. Visual auras are most common.

A visual aura is like an electrical or chemical wave that moves across the visual cortex of your brain. Here, you see a functional MRI of a person during an actual visual aura. The yellow and red colors indicate activation in the visual cortex — the part of the brain that processes visual signals. As the activation spreads during an aura, a person loses normal visual function.

The best known visual aura is called a fortification spectrum because its pattern resembles the walls of a medieval fort. It may start as a small hole of light or sometimes as bright geometrical lines and shapes in your visual field.

This visual aura may expand into a sickle- or C-shaped object, with zigzag lines on the leading edge. As it moves, it may appear to grow. Auras aren't the same for everyone, so you might also experience bright spots or flashes. Auras are sometimes accompanied by a partial loss of vision referred to as a scotoma. Auras commonly last 10 to 30 minutes.

A sensory aura can occur at the same time as the visual aura, directly afterward or on its own. A sensory aura begins as a tingling in one limb or a feeling of numbness that travels up your arm over 10 to 20 minutes. The sensation can spread to one side of your face and tongue.

Another aura causes transient speech or language problems referred to as dysphasic aura. In the rarest of auras, the limbs and possibly the face on one side of your body might become weak; this is referred to as hemiplegic migraine.

A migraine aura usually precedes the migraine attack but can also occur during the attack. A migraine aura can also occur without an associated headache. The migraine attack itself can last as little as four hours or as long as several days. The attack is followed by a postdrome phase, where you might feel drained or washed out.
Stay Healthy & Happy

-Love; Diy-

Hibernating at Prince Court Medical Center

My 3rd son: Nadeem Nabawi is currently admitted at Prince Court Medical Center (PCMC).

So, mama dia ni lah yang duk meneman dia.

Diagnose as high fever + bronchiolitis! 
Dengan jerebu and what not sekarang, Nadeem one of the victim lah. Tak apa, it comes with reason and Allah knows the best for us. Alhamdulillah!

Alhamdulillah, with all the rezeki that Allah grant to our family, we manage to send our children straight away to the specialist center.

As a parent, we wish that we could send our children to the best hospital to get the best medication/ treatment whenever they're falling sick! Even for not so-serious illness.
By doing that, we wish that the children will get fast recovery with less Q, no guinea-pig trial and error medicine, comfortable space for the children to rest and so many benefits.

I wrote this, not to promote Prince Court Medical Center (PCMC) , but as a parent / friend who would like to share the best with others out there.

Last night, I watched Buletin Utama TV3 while breastfeeding Nadeem.
I was touched by this 1 slot that meant for public donation purposes. This parent hanya mampu to taking care of this 'guy' at home. That's why they raised for public donation to continuing the treatment /medication for this guy.
Subhanallah! Pray for the best of this guy & his family too. Very sad some more when his daughter,  during her interviewed was praying so hard so that her father could wake up & healthy as before.

Back to my case, today is actually Nadeem's 3rd-Day, staying at PCMC.
Alhamdulillah, Nadeem has good experience as well as treatment from pediatrician here.

Nadeem's bed!

Flat Screen TV... Nadeem is watching BOBOBOY

Dedicated Washroom for each Room

Mama's Lunch is provided! Yummeh

For Mama... inclusive ok!

Complete set lunch for mama...Inclusive!

Breakfast for Mama! Inclusive as well!

For photography purposes only! Yes... nadeem actually sleep in that cot!

Nadeem's room can request for baby cot

Dedicated Washroom

Nadeem's Ward.. a.k.a Room

Happy eventho in pain, my Nadeem!

Nadeem's Room... very comfortable! Singe Bed!

Sweet Dream, dearie!

Cheeese Cake for Dinner's Dessert!

Panorama of Royal Selangor Golf Club from our Room.

Very refreshing

Having breakfast alone with good panorama!

Dinner Set ! Wow got pizza! Hmm..... its inclusive.

Nadeem's Room.... single Bedded!

Got sofa bed as well!!!!!

Its very interesting , rite??

Bila sakit, and admitted kat sini... of course makin cepat sihat! That is why our choice is always : Prince Court Medical Center (PCMC) !! NO REGRET!!

Do you REALIZE that all PARENTS including YOU, are actually AFFORD to send your children to get the BEST Treatment at SPECIALIST & PRIVATE HOSPITAL indeed!

Because there is always a WAY!

You can get it for FREE!!!

You wanna know how??
Let me share with you...
Diy@ 019 277 1053